To some, the field of public administration may seem daunting and unapproachable. Public administrators are
often intimidating and powerful but without citizen participation in public
administration and affairs; it is less likely that the people will find results
that reflect what they truly want as a community. As well, as a public
administrator, it is important to take the public’s view into consideration
when making decisions and creating new bills.
Even before the Revolutionary War,
an emphasis was placed on a government that was run by the people.
Participation was certainly more limited than it is now but this is the ideal
that our country has been founded upon. Without participation many laws would have never been introduced and passed and vice versa. With passionate
administrators and passionate community members putting pressure on bills and
legislation it is possible to raise awareness and create real change.
One moment of impressive note is recently when Texan senator Wendy Davis spoke
for 11 hours on the topic of abortion in a filibuster that prevented a bill
being passed that would have shut down nearly all abortion clinics in Texas.
She had many supporters that cheered for her once the day was over and she
claimed that was the reason that she wanted to prevent the bill from being
passed. Davis wanted to represent the
people who supported her and so she listened to what they wanted and responded.
Whether you believe in Davis’ ideas or not, it was a passionate act of a public
administrator that was effective in creating change. Everyone needs to be
involved in making real change for the people and that includes even the ones
who aren’t on the floor making the decisions.