Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Understanding Metaphor 
Metaphor is an analogy between to objects or ideas. Within this analogy a comparison is made that invokes imagery in the reader or listener. For instance, the metaphor Ann is a pig makes the comparison of Ann being a pig. In the mind of the audience this comparison creates the image of a pig, which is often considered a filthy creature. This graphic imagery is than applied to Ann and the negative connotations associated with the pig are now transferred to Ann.

Metaphor can be used not only to conjure negative emotions but also positive feelings. The metaphor Bob is a lion conjures feelings of strength along with the imagery of the lion. This imagery is applied to Bob the same way the imagery of the Pig was applied to Ann.

Metaphor affects emotion not just through imagery but also through the use of language.  By virtue of word choice metaphors can have different affects via interpretation. There are several different forms of metaphor that show these different affects.

A dead metaphor is a metaphor in which the sense of the transferred image is not present. An example of this form would be "to hold a virtue" or "to grasp an understanding". Dead metaphors use physical action as a metaphor for understanding, most do not visualize the action; dead metaphors are typically not noticeable. As a result of their lack of obviousness, dead metaphors do not conjure the same emotional response as normal metaphors (Stefano, 2007).

The extended metaphor is a form of metaphor that distinguishes a main subject for comparison. The extended metaphor also uses secondary subjects that continue the main comparison. For example, “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” This classic line from William Shakespeare's, “As You Like It” shows the use of secondary subjects men and women as players to carry and enhance the metaphor (Stefano, 2007).

A mixed metaphor is one that leaps from a primary classification to a second classification that is different from the first. An example of this odd form of metaphor can be seen in this manner: "If one can hit the bulls-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...” This form of metaphor is often used in entertainment and is often used in colloquial language (Stefano, 2007).

Through these different forms of metaphor, meaning can be intensified or even downplayed with emotional intensity. The choice of language and its usage can create different forms of metaphor and can increase the persuasiveness and strength of a story or argument. This is perhaps the best use of the metaphor, in that it is a persuasive rhetorical device. The device can be used to bolster support or to create disagreement for an argument. The use of metaphor is widely used and is a very normal part of language. The use of metaphor, although sometimes confusing for those just learning a new language, is universally used throughout the world in every culture.

Stefano, A. (2007). Metaphors, roma, edizioni di storia e letteratura. Bari, Italy: University of Bari.

You don't have to struggle on the Homework Mountain!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Biology Lab Cell Structure and Function

Assignment Review

For the Biology Lab- Cell Structure and Function students will be required to answer many questions and match certain terms with pictures, determine the movement of water based upon predetermined factors and draw hypotheses about what may happen in certain situations.

For the the labeling portion of the assignment, students will complete the assignment by matching vocabulary terms with different pictures as follows:
·       Bacteria:  Nucleoid region, cell wall, plasma membrane, ribosomes, flagella
·       Protist:  Macronucleus, micronucleus, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, contractile vacuole
·       Plant Cell: Nucleus, cell wall, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, chloroplast, mitochondria, vacuoles
·       Animal Cell: Nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, golgi apparatus, rough ER, ribosome
Then, students will answer nine questions about basic cell function, including a description of the differences between plant and animal calls and a hypothesis about what would happen if a chosen structure of a eukaryotic cell did not function properly.

For the other experiment, students will be presented with four bags of water with added sucrose in varying percentages. The students will need to answer questions about what happened when the bags were placed in beakers of water and draw hypotheses about whether the water will move in or out.

If you are looking for help with the labeling section of the Lab, the bad news is that there really isn’t any. The best thing you can do here is review labeled photos of the four sections: bacteria, protist, plant cell and animal cell and study, study, study. There are only a few things that you’ll need to pick out here, so make sure that you know where these are located above everything else. You might be surprised to learn that this will not take you much time. There are also plenty of resources available online where you can print blank pictures and take ‘practice tests’ on your own time. We have found that this is the absolute best way to prepare for this assignment.

Testing the concentrations of solutions can be a bit trickier. First and foremost, you’ll need to make sure that you understand that water always moves from an area of high solute (meaning less water) to an area of low solute (meaning low water). So, as an example, consider the following four bags:
·       Bag #1 (30%) in 30% sucrose
·       Bag #2 (15%) in 30% sucrose
·       Bag #3 (3%) in 30% sucrose
·       Bag #4 (3%) in 3% sucrose

When placed into their respective beakers, here is what you can expect:
·       The first bag will experience no change as the sucrose levels are the same.
·       The second bag would shrink since.
·       The third bag would shrink significantly.
·       Again, there would be no change since the concentrations here are equal.

It is also important to note that the concentrations you are given for your assignment may be different than these. You will also need to explain why a particular bag increased or decreased in volume the most and what would happen if a particular bag was placed into a beaker of pure distilled water.
Should you need further assistance with this lab please ask.

Lab 2: The Chemistry of Life

Lab 2: The Chemistry of Life
Assignment Review
The Biology Lab Household Substances Acidic or Basic and Surface Area and Volume assignments are some of the simplest in the course. The lab assignments are easy for some students and difficult for others. pH is a concept that is widely understood, and you will need to answer some basic questions about common household items. The best way to prepare for this is to test these items with litmus paper, otherwise known as pH paper, prior to completing the assignment. This will give you a good idea about which items are acids and which are bases as well as their relative pH levels.

While the first experiment is fairly straightforward, the second experiment can get a bit tricky. You’ll be provided with three cubes here which measure 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm, 1 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm, and 1 cm x 1 cm x 6 cm. First, you’ll need to determine several factors about the way color diffuses into these cubes; this is done via an experiment performed electronically. Then, you’ll need to explain why the surface area and volume of the cubes affected the ways in which the color was diffused. Finally, you will need to provide an explanation of which cube would be the most efficient at diffusing color and explain why.

Essentially, this means that the same amount of color will be applied to each cube and each cube will be allowed to rest for the same period of time. Then, the cubes will be evaluated to determine the amount of diffusion present. Using your knowledge of mathematics and cube diffusion equations, you can use the measurements of the cubes to determine exactly how volume and surface area played a role in the diffusion – as well as how they affected each other.

Should you need more help with LAB 2 please feel free to ask

Monday, September 16, 2013

HRM 330 Week 5 Individual Assignment: Dispute Resolution Process Paper

Assignment Review

The HRM 330 Week 5 Individual Assignment Dispute Resolution Process Paper is a document in which the student is required to analyze the dispute resolution process within an organization and make recommendations for improvement. The student will need to:
·       Suggest one approach to the dispute resolution process that is not currently used within the organization and justify the change.
·       Compare and contrast the dispute resolution processes in union and non-union organizations.

During the course of writing the paper, the student can use resources such as the internet, assigned readings and ERR’s. He or she can also speak with the HR department within the organization, and interview the manager for information about that organization’s dispute process. Another option is to interview a select group of employees within the organization to determine where changes would be most helpful.
The HRM 330 week 5 individual assignment dispute resolution process paper itself will need to be between 700 and 1,050 words in length. It should be written in a third-person, formal style. APA style is preferred.

If you are one of the many students who isn't sure where to start with the week 5 assignment, there are several directions you can go. First and foremost, you will need to understand the process for dispute resolution that is currently in use, and identify not only its weaknesses, but also its strengths. Then, once you understand these things, you are in a better position to identify an alternative dispute resolution approach and explain why you feel it would work better.
The purpose of the paper is to show the teacher or the professor that you understand what a dispute resolution process is, the different components of the process, the role that HR plays and how the process should be analyzed regularly—and possibly even updated—in order to meet the changing needs of the organization.

One of the most common mistakes that students make when writing the dispute resolution process paper is assuming that they must completely change the entire process that is currently in use. This is certainly not the case. You can choose one aspect of the process—perhaps the way in which the employees are required to file their grievances—and explain how this is detrimental to the process. Then, you can suggest a new method for filing grievances that is beneficial to both the employees and the organization.

This is one of the shorter papers in the HRM course, so you will need to make sure that your ideas are clear and concise. One way to go about this is to break the paper down into five clear paragraphs. The first paragraph should identify the organization and the dispute resolution process that is currently in use. The second paragraph should clearly note the problem or problems with the process. The next two paragraphs should explain the proposed changes and justify them. Then, the final paragraph of the HRM 330 week 5 paper should explain how the proposed changes would affect the organization and its employees positively. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

HRM 330 Week 4 Individual Assignment: Training Need Paper

Assignment Review

The HRM 330 Week 4 Individual Assignment Training Need Paper is a 1050 to 1400 word paper that should identify a training need within the student’s organization or one with which he or she is familiar. During the writing process, the student will need to explore the role of HR within the organization and explain how that role affects the following aspects of developing a program to fit the need that was identified:
·       The ways in which the training program is analyzed.
·       The methods used to design the program.
·       The implementation of the program and the materials that are used.
·       The ways in which the program is evaluated.

This paper requires the student to take a deep look into how the employees of the organization are trained and how the HR team plays a role in the adequate training of these employees. The student should be sure to pay close attention to the ways in which the program should be implemented in order to fit the training need that the student identified within the organization.

Another important facet of this paper that many students often overlook is how the training program is evaluated internally. It is important to pay close attention to who is responsible for the evaluation, how such evaluations are conducted, and how the results from that evaluation are used to make changes to the ways in which employees are trained. The Training Need paper should be written in a third-person, professional style. APA style is preferred.

If you are struggling with the HRM 330 week 4 individual assignment Training Need paper, you are certainly not alone. Although the idea behind this paper is quite clear, students often have trouble when it comes to identifying a training need within the organization. After choosing an organization, you can ask the HR management team to provide some information about the employees’ reactions to the training program that is used within that organization. This way, you can get a better idea about how the employees feel about the ways in which they were trained.

Once you have this information, you can then look into productivity and the all-around atmosphere in the workplace. Some of the training needs you may be able to identify include things such as a lack of adequate training time, poorly constructed training materials, outdated computer systems, lack of testing before placement in a production setting and others.

Once the primary training need has been identified, you will then need to consider the four different aspects of that program and essentially create a plan for making sure that the need is met. The best way to do this is to write the Training Need paper so that it consists of seven paragraphs. The first paragraph should identify your chosen organization and the training methods that are currently in use. The second should include the training need that you chose as well as the reasons why you feel that this is something that should be addressed. The next four paragraphs should explore the four different components of the training program as they relate to the identified need. Finally, the last paragraph of the Training Need paper should conclude everything and tie together all of the components.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PSY 201 Entire Course

Course Review
Don't struggle on the Homework Mountain!

The PSY 201 Course is a nine week long course that is an introduction to psychology. This course discusses various aspects of psychology such as research, memory, intelligence, and other aspects of cognitive function. In general, this is not a difficult course but it there are a few issues that I noticed recently that have been giving students issues. Below I have listed the issues and ways to solve them.

The Week 4 Midterm Exam is troubling for most students because it seems to come out of nowhere. Often students follow the discussion questions and assignments’ thinking this is preparing them for the midterm. The books are absolutely essential to passing the midterm. You will need to open the first four weeks text PDF’s and use CTRL-F to bring up the search box. You can then easily search the documents looking for the answers.

 The Week 9 Final Exam has the same problem as the midterm because it is more comprehensive than what one would expect based on the DQs and assignments. You will need to follow the same approach as taking the midterm.

The Week 8 Assignment Motivational Program is a relatively new assignment. This assignment is rather difficult because of the word count and the directions.
Design an original program to motivate people you know, either at work, home, or school. Use the following questions to guide you in the design of your program proposal:
•         Is your plan based on intrinsic or extrinsic motivation?
•         What results do you hope to achieve?
•         How will you know if your plan worked?
Write a paper of at least 350 words
The first time I wrote this assignment I had over a thousand words. After some work, I managed to get it to about 375. This assignment should really have a larger word count. When writing this I suggest keeping it really simple and use place that you are familiar such as your home or kids.

·       The week Autobiographical Psychosocial History paper seems to give many students trouble. I write about this and give tips on it in my other blog post. The issue I have notice the most with this assignment is that people try to relate a personal example that does not fit the particular concept they are going form. The best way to handle this is to clearly write a factual statement that drives home how the concept can have either a positive or negative effect on you.

My advice for this course is to get into the books early and familiarize yourself with how to search them. By doing this, it will make the exams much easier.  When it comes to the assignment just try not to over-complicate the directions. Keeping it simple will go a long way to making this work easy. Good luck to anyone taking this course and if you need help feel free to ask me. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

HRM 330 Week 3 Individual Assignment: Performance Management Paper

Assignment Review

The HRM 330 Week 3 individual Assignment Performance Management paper will be a 1050 to 1400 word paper in which the components of an effective performance management system are compared with the system used by the student’s current organization or one with which he or she is familiar. The student should then explain ways in which his or her organization’s current system can be altered in order to help align employee behavior with the goals and objectives of the organization.
When writing this paper, the student will need to do some research and there are several sources of information. The internet is very helpful; the student should locate an article that describes the components of a performance management system in general. For organization-specific information, the student can contact the HR manager for the chosen organization.
The following tips are useful when composing the Performance Management paper:
·        Students should write in a first-person yet formal format.
·        Each of the components of a performance management system should be introduced clearly in separate paragraphs.
·        After introducing the components, the student should explain how his or her chosen organization approaches them.
·        When concluding the paragraph, the student should describe ways in which his or her organizations methods could be changed in order to impact the employees and the organization positively.
·        Students should be sure that any opinions that are provided can be backed up with facts or accepted theories.

The HRM 330 week 3 individual assignment  is one that takes quite a bit of thought. It is also one of the longer HRM course assignments, so you will need to be sure that all of the information you provide is on-topic and not repetitive. The first part of this assignment should consist of finding an article that correctly describes the various components of a performance management system; the internet is your best resource here. Just be sure that any information you take from the internet comes from a reputable source.
After you've identified those components, you’ll need to carefully examine your organization and compare its system with the generalizations. You should be sure to focus on the ways in which the system affects your chosen organization and its employees. By referring back to material you've learned during this course, you should be able to adequately pinpoint where changes can be made to improve employee behaviors and alter them in such a way that they are more consistent with the objectives of the company.
It is very easy for this to become a highly opinionated paper, but this should be avoided. Rather, you should use all of the information and knowledge at your disposal and write in a way that uses facts. In the event that an opinion is given in the paper, you should always back it up with facts and findings that relate directly to what you have learned. The best way to write the paper is with between six and 10 paragraphs; each paragraph should define, illustrate and compare one of the components of performance management with your chosen organization.

HRM 330 Week 2 Individual Assignment: Recruiting and Selection Paper

Assignment Review

The HRM 330 Week 2 Individual Assignment Recruiting and Selection paper will be a 1050 to 1400 word paper that describes the recruiting and selection processes used in the student’s organization or an organization with which he or she is familiar. The student should carefully evaluate these processes and whether or not they meet the overall objectives of the organization and explain his or her findings.

Some great resources for students to use include the internet, their assigned readings, ERRs, interviews with HR managers and their own personal observations. Since this is a personalized assignment, students should be sure to apply their own thoughts to the writing and make sure that they provide opinion. The paper should have a formal feel, but students should write from a first person point of view. Some other tips that students should remember include:
·       The paper should remain focused on the recruiting and selection approach used by the chosen organization at all times.
·       Students should take information from a variety of sources, particularly when describing a particular organization. It is best for the student to actually speak with the HR manager of the organization and determine the processes that are used.
·       Students will need to discuss employee behavior in detail, as well.
·       Students will also need to make sure that they provide an opinion as to whether the processes being used are effective and provide examples as to why or why not.
Overall, the HRM 330 week 2 individual assignment Recruiting and Selection paper should be a very detailed yet personal explanation of the ways in which a particular organization chooses its employees and whether or not these methods are effective.

The HRM 330 week 2 individual assignment Recruiting and Selection paper is a bit tricky for some students, but it certainly doesn't need to be. Many students try to ‘wing’ it and write about a fictional organization’s techniques; this is not a good approach for this particular assignment. Rather, you should interview the HR manager at your place of employment—or even one you’re familiar with—to determine what these processes actually are. You can ask this individual about the company’s objectives and then about how he or she chooses which candidates to hire. In fact, you may even ask the HR manager if he or she feels that the processes used are in line with the objectives of the company in order to get a better idea.

When it comes to actually writing the paper, there are several ways to approach this. Your outline can consist of between six and 10 paragraphs with both an introduction and a conclusion. In the introduction, you should introduce the chosen organization and that organization’s goals. Then, each paragraph in the body of the paper should focus on a different aspect of the recruiting and selection methods used by the organization. The conclusion of the HRM 330 Recruiting and Selection paper should then explain your feelings about whether the methods used by the organization meet its overall objectives. You will need to provide your reasons for your opinion, as well.

HRM 330 Week 1 Individual Assignment: HR’s Role Paper

Assignment Review

The HRM 330 Week 1 Individual Assignment HR’s Role paper is a 700 to 1050 word paper in which students must describe, compare and contrast the traditional HR role with the strategic partnering role. Students should be sure to write in a clear and concise manner, making sure that each of the roles are clearly defined. They should also be sure to use a formal style.
All of the following should be considered when writing the HR’s Role paper:
·       Students should clearly define the traditional HR role, the tasks involved and how this role contributes to a company or organization.
·       The strategic HR role should be the primary focus, and students should explain why the need to shift to more strategic processes exists.
·       Students should then be sure to describe the ways in which a strategic HR role is beneficial to the company and how the tasks performed differ.
Overall, the four basic tasks of the HR manager should be explained throughout the HRM Week 1 individual assignment HR’s Role paper and the student should discuss how both the traditional and strategic HR roles apply to those tasks. However, the primary focus should be on the need to move toward strategic roles.

The HRM Week 1 individual assignment gives a lot of students trouble, so if you've found yourself struggling to put together 750 words, you certainly are not alone. What your teacher or professor is looking for with this assignment is whether or not you clearly understand the concepts of both traditional and strategic HR roles. Similarly, you should be able to adequately explain why strategic HR roles are becoming more and more necessary in today’s businesses and organizations.
Although the paper should be written in a formal style, you can feel free to use real-world examples throughout as long as they are consistent. For instance, you may create a fictional company and explain how the HR manager’s role affects that company. There are several ways in which you can do this, but breaking the assignment down into six paragraphs seems to be the best route. The first paragraph should introduce HR management briefly and explain the differences between the traditional and strategic roles. Paragraphs two through five should explain how the four different tasks of the HR manager are performed under each of the roles. The final paragraph should be a clear and concise explanation of why strategic HR management is the best route for many businesses.

Like any paper that should be written in a formal style, it is recommended that you start your Role paper with an outline; perhaps a separate sheet of paper for each of the six paragraphs. Then, for each one, write down your basic ideas. After this is completed, you can go back and elaborate on your ideas, composing a rough draft of each paragraph as you go. This will make writing your actual paper much easier. Don’t forget to go back and check for mistakes, though. After all, even the best ideas can be thwarted with poor spelling or grammar. 

PSY 201 Autobiographical Psychosocial History Paper

Assignment Review

The PSY 201 Assignment Final Project Autobiographical Psychosocial History paper requires students to write a 750 word or more paper that describes five topics that were covered during weeks one through nine of the course. Students should use these topics and concepts in such a way that they are able to describe how they apply to their personal development. As examples, students may choose to cover such topics as how their parents’ choices in parenting style affected their development, how these choices have impact the students’ own parenting styles, and even how certain choices may have helped students develop intelligence and memory.

When writing the Autobiographical Psychosocial History paper, students should keep the following tips in mind:
·        Always introduce the topic clearly and explain the various ways in which the concept could have a psychosocial impact on an individual.
·        Students should then take the time to provide a personal example or account of how the concept helped to mold them into the individuals they are today.
·        Each topic should end with a clearly written, factual statement that drives home how the concept can have either a positive or negative effect on an individual.
Students should also be sure to pay close attention to basic writing mechanics, grammar, spelling and writing style. APA style is preferred and students should write from a first person point of view.

The PSY 201 Autobiographical Psychosocial History paper is one that certainly gives students and teachers alike a difficult time. Often times, students will fail to define the chosen concepts clearly. In other cases, they fail to adequately apply these concepts using real, personal examples.
Of course, some students attempt to break the paper down into five distinct sections: one for each selected topic. However, teachers and professors often prefer a narrative that tells a complete story and incorporates each of the topics in kind. For instance, you may choose to tell a story about how the death of your mother affected your father, how the father’s reaction affected his parenting style, and how this parenting style had an impact on your overall development. Other concepts can be incorporated here, such as perception and coping with stress.

Although it is best to write the PSY 201 Assignment Final Project Autobiographical Psychosocial History paper in a narrative form, you will still need to be sure that each of the five chosen concepts is clearly introduced, explained and then concluded clearly and expertly. You will need to show that you understand each concept thoroughly and that you understand how it applies to your own life.

The best advice for such an assignment is to jot down the five chosen topics and then brainstorm some ideas of how these concepts have affected you in some way. Each idea should then be backed up with facts and real-world examples, and each of these should be turned into its own paragraph. The PSY 201 Assignment Final Project Autobiographical Psychosocial History paper is certainly a monster for many students, but with a bit of careful consideration, you can absolutely ace it. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

BIS 303 Changing Role of Hospitality IT Essay

Assignment Discussion

Recently I have been experiencing a higher than normal volume of people asking about the BIS 303 Changing Role of Hospitality IT Essay. This essay is typically 700-1050 words and is focused entirely on information technology and how its role continues to change. To be very frank, this is not a complicated assignment. The problem is that students persist in trying to write this assignment last minute or by using internet resources. The hospitality industry and its relation to information technology is broad but difficult field to research using strictly the internet. The book issued with this course is essential to expediting this paper effectively.  The book is essential for this paper primarily because it focuses on technology in a meaningful way with regard to the hospitality industry. For example, when discussing proprietary systems the book focuses on how these systems can communicate more effectively through software development. These systems might include, “property management systems, point-of-sale systems, catering systems, and accounting systems (Tesone, 2006).” 

To the best of my knowledge the book is “Hospitality Information Systems and E-Commerce published by Wiley, John & Sons. The author is D.V. Tesone. Without a text such as this, one will struggle trying to get the proper information for this paper.  If you feel that you must use internet sources you should allow plenty of time for research. Should you find yourself in need of help with this assignment feel free to ask me.  Good Luck!

BPA 406

Course Review

The BPA406 course is a class designed around the concept of public leadership. During this course students will research and define public leadership and its differences with private sector leadership. One of the more interesting aspects of this course is the depth to which effective public leadership is discussed. There are several assignments that require research into this topic including the Week 2 Individual Assignment: EffectiveTraits Paper and the Week 4 Individual Assignment: Gaining or Losing Power Paper. Both papers are excellent ways to discover what makes strong effective public leadership. The course continues discussing sources of power in public leadership and how these sources impact the effectiveness of the leader.

The only criticism I have concerning this course is the final exam. Currently, there are at least two versions of this test and both seem out of context with the course material. In one version of the final exam, the test was merely a paper on corruption. In another version, it is a multiple choice style test. I have study guides for both versions of the final exam but I still believe that these may not be adequate for most students. In many instances, no exam is even given by the teacher. I feel that this one area of the course which is not adequately defined or properly designed such that students can prepare for the test.

Overall, I believe that this course is well designed and very informative. While there is some issue with the final exam, the content of the course is interesting and will keep your attention. This is especially true if you have a deep interest in public leadership. Good luck to anyone taking this course and if you need help feel free to ask me.  

Biology Lab Survival

The Lab Survival Guide

            Recently I have been receiving requests for help with Biology course(s). To be honest I am not 100% sure which classes belong with this lab collection. I have been receiving help requests for labs individually. Currently I have BIO lab study guides 2-7,9. Yet, in the short time I have been dealing with these labs I have realized a few trends that may help students complete them better. First of all if you do not have the kit you will not be able to perform the experiments, I would have thought this was a mandatory purchase with the class but I talked to a few students that did not have the kit. This is absolutely mandatory to be able to perform these experiments.
            The second issue I have seen with this class is that many of the students are waiting until the last minute to try to perform the experiments.  Some students are able to wait until the last minute to perform their work but even these students might find that performing these experiments is time intensive. I highly recommend performing these experiments well before the due date. I have performed several of these labs and some are more difficult than others. The trick is to work carefully so that you do not end up having to repeat the experiments.

            As I said before, I am also relatively new to these assignments. I will continue to post information concerning these labs as it becomes available. Good luck to everyone dealing with these labs and if you need help feel free to ask me.